From the time i read the book, The world is flat by Thomas L. Friedman, i have been tempted to think otherwise. The world is flat tries to explain the reasons behind the changes that have taken place around us, in the last decade. We have all been a part of these changes but probably have never given a thought to the changes nor to the reasons for their occurrence. Now, what do i mean by 'change'? The simplest way of putting it would be that Today we as an individual are able to compete, challenge & collaborate with any other individual in any part of the world.or in other words globalization has set in like never before. The author explains the reasons behind the sudden, high pace of globalization. The reasons being economic liberalization policies, invention of internet,web browsers, work flow software, offshoring, outsourcing,networking,open source,supply chaining and so on. These have been dealt with chronologically and have been explained with numerous anecdotes unra...