Plastic Courtesy

The one thing that my fellow nation dwellers are ready to give away promptly, the one thing they are ready to gift to any random stranger, the one thing they don't mind parting away with for FREE -  is that friendly neighbourhood plastic bag. They seem to commit this act of charity or what they think is an act of supreme courtesy with so much pride that it puts me to shame (for not wanting one of those plastic bags).

I call them neighbourhood plastic bags because that's where I find them, in every bit of space in my neighbourhood. Littering the sides of otherwise decent looking streets, road corners; loitering around every household dustbin; carelessly strewn in apartment corridors, parks, play areas, parking lots and pretty much anywhere my eyes reach. I think I see them more than I see people. Or have I just begun to notice these plastic beings more than human beings?

Yes, I have begun to HATE the sight of these. There seems to be no end in sight for the production and circulation of these emancipated creatures - thin, tired looking, frail beings but being carried around by pretty much anyone and everyone. The kirana store fellow who probably spends Re.10 on a hundred or thousand of these per month is so happy to offer me one at the end of my purchases. He doesn't bother to smile at me or help me find what I need  but when it comes to offering me a plastic bag, he is very courteous. Why? I have always wondered. Is this the standard of our courtesy? A measly plastic bag?

Well meaning relatives and friends offer one plastic beauty to lug on the 'Thambulam' (ritualistic coconut, betel leaves, rupee or two, arecanut ensemble). I surprise them EACH time by saying NO and carrying my own bag to carry my own luggage. Isn't it as simple as that?

At the local vegetable market, I give shoppers pathetic stares when I see them carry each vegetable in separate plastic bags. Plastic inside a plastic inside a plastic. What are they teaching their next generation?

"Spencer Super Market" has banned plastic bags at the billing counter. Great Gesture. But Mr. Spencer what about the numerous plastic bags that you offer to customers at the vegetable counters? Aren't you undoing your own environment friendly gesture? I think this is a classic example of having excellent laws but woeful implementation.  

Side kick: What would you think of this? Printing pictures of those you worship on a packaging material that you are  sure will reach the dustbin.

Stupidity never ceases.


ashu@cooking said…
Great topic, keep the good work up

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